Culture Night 2023

Exhibition tours & Music
Friday 22 September
Exhibition 6-10pm: TAKING FORM – Students of the Year 1973-77 | Maud Cotter, Eilis O’Connell, Vivienne Roche, marks Cork Arts Society’s 60 year anniversary by celebrating the organisation’s important role in supporting ambitious Irish art practice through its graduate awards. By focusing on the narratives of three award recipients, the curators draw attention to a significant art historical moment both locally and nationally, when a dynamic and innovative approach to sculptural practice emerged from the Crawford College of Art (Image: Exhibition installation view by Roland Paschhoff).
Exhibition tours 7pm & 8pm: Curators Sarah Kelleher and Brian Mac Domhnaill provide background information on the exhibition and the artists as well as more specific insights relating to the artworks and archive on display.
Music performance 9pm, Limited capacity. Booking via Eventbrite is recommended to avoid disappointment – Ciara Finnerty (Lavit Gallery Music & Sound Residency) and Donal McHugh with special guest Fhablo (Peter).
culturenightcorkcity @culturenightcorkcity @corkcityarts Cork Arts @culturenight @ciarafinnertymusic
#lavit60 #CultureNightCork #CultureNight #OneNightForAll #OícheChultúir #OícheDárSaol