CASe 2017

3rd October – 28th October

Cormac Boydell, Billy Foley, Eilis O’ Connell, Maria Simonds-Gooding, Charles Tyrell, and Samuel Walsh


Samuel Walsh, Study 293 (Berlin), 2012
Fabric of space. Charcoal and pastel on paper.152x299cm price€4,000.00
edit T11.16 - Wood, paint
Samuel Walsh. Locus XLIV (San Marco), 2017
Morph Wall
20171011 37x40 Just Trotting
Insight. Oil and charcoal on canvas.152x244cm. €6,500.00
20170223 47x46 Diarmuid and Grainne
Void between bodies.Oil and charcoal on canvas.91cmx106cm. price, €2,500
MRI Diffusion 30 x 30 cms. embossed print.
20170502 39x40 Dearg Corra
Samuel Walsh, Segment 015, 2008
T12.16, 2016, wood,paint,burnt wood 96 x 48 cm


3rd October – 28th October

Works by Cormac Boydell, Billy Foley, Eilis O’ Connell, Maria Simmonds-Gooding, Charles Tyrell, and Samuel Walsh. Cork Arts Society exhibition (CASe) is an annual exhibition of invited artists that originated as ‘Six Artists at Cork Arts Society’. While the exhibition has had many iterations since its inception, showing the work of national and international artists, this year we return to its beginnings and have invited six artists, some of the most sought after names in contemporary art, who are living and working in the Munster region.